Episodic is a narrative-based project that presents serialised stories about and by young people to the local community. Stories are told in micro instalments via a number of sites and methods. The first version of this project presented stories on a highly visible gallery wall over the course of several months. Episodes changed weekly until the story was told.
A range of actions and happenings occurred in conjunction. Artists inscribed text on community pavements in chalk that mirrored the text displayed on the gallery wall. Social media posts documented the project, inviting broader audiences within the community to engage with the work. The project was inspired by tbC’s Chalk Talk practice and the work of seventeen-year-olds Kate ten Buuren and Charisse Walton.
Episodic resulted in a second serialised art project involving the use of Morse Code to tell tbC stories. Micro stories were designed in vertical formats to fit the many doorways along Belgrave’s Blacksmiths Way, the site of tbC’s major Street art project. These door spaces weren’t that appealing to graffiti and street artists, which meant we had many small sites to work with. The main idea was to get the community to come by and decode the stories. This ‘decoding’ meant a visitor had to spend some time in the space engaging with our stories.